What We Believe
We believe in God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, His Word and His love.
We are part of the body of Jesus Christ called The Church which is made up of people from the human race comprising all nations and all tribes and all languages and all colors. As the redeemed of the Lord, we are called forth to declare the praises of God Almighty who has already redeemed us from the kingdom of death and darkness and transferred us into the marvelous Kingdom of the light, life and love of His Son Jesus Christ.
Some fundamentals of our beliefs:
THE SCRIPTURES Jesus is the revealed Word of God. The Bible is the inspired Word of God.
THE GODHEAD Our God is one manifested in three Persons - The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, being equal.
HUMANITY, ITS FALL AND REDEMPTION Humans are created beings, made in the image and likeness of God but through Adam's transgression sin came into the world. Jesus Christ, the Son of God gave His life and shed His blood to redeem and restore humanity back to God. Salvation is the gift of God to humanity given by God’s grace to be received through faith.
ETERNAL LIFE AND THE NEW BIRTH A person’s first step toward salvation is realizing that he or she is a sinner in need of salvation. All humans need salvation and receive new birth when they receive Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone (without any good works of self righteousness)
WATER BAPTISM Baptism in water by immersion is a direct commandment of our Lord, and is for believers only.
BAPTISM IN THE HOLY GHOST The baptism in the Holy Ghost and with power is a gift from God as promised by the Lord Jesus Christ to all believers in this time and is received after the new birth and manifested initially in speaking in tongues.
DIVINE HEALING Healing is for the physical ills of the human body and is wrought by the power of God through the prayer of faith, the laying on of hands, anointing with oil, and other means. It was provided for in the atonement of Christ and is the covenant privilege of every member of the Church today and available to all humans.
RESURRECTION OF THE JUST AND THE RETURN OF OUR LORD Jesus’ return is imminent, and when He returns the dead in Christ shall rise first, then those who are still alive will be caught up together with the risen dead in Christ already in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
ETERNAL DAMNATION The one who physically dies without receiving Jesus Christ by faith is hopelessly and eternally lost in the lake of fire and therefore has no further opportunity of salvation. This is not Gods will for any human being. His intention is that all humans be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.