Living in the summation of Heaven’s
Culture on earth: love.
And Jesus said, “IT IS FINISHED” John 19:30
1 Corinthians 13:13 Now abides faith, hope, love and the greatest of these is love
Our Father, Almighty God, Holy is your name.
Because of your everlasting love (Jeremiah 31:13, John 3:16) revealed on the cross through the shed blood in death, burial and resurrection of your Son (Corinthians 15:2-3) our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, your kingdom has come to us.
As believers privileged to co-labor with you (1Corinthians 3:9) in your harvest field, we are taking the gospel of your grace into all nations (Mark 16:15) and the lost are hearing Jesus’ voice of grace (John 5:25) confessing HIM as Lord and risen Savior (Romans 10:9-10) receiving Him (John 1:12) through faith.
And together as the church, the body of Christ on earth, we are growing up into His fullness in all things, walking in His love,
righteous identity, inheritance and destiny (2 Corinthians 5:17-21 & Ephesians 1-4) in Jesus name. Amen.

We are making disciples of all nations. Power feat
Gospel Evangelism

New covenant grace biblical teaching

Receive Jesus Today
God loves you unconditionally and will always do. He created humans to be with Him, to enjoy His love forever and not apart from Him. Because of sin we became separated from God. The good news is that God The Father, in collaboration with God The Son, The Lord Jesus Christ and the empowerment of The Holy Spirit made the only righteous, acceptable and qualified provision for our salvation so we could be reunited to God. Through His shed blood, Jesus Christ fully paid the eternal price required to redeem and bring us back to the experience of the love God has always intended for us.
Now you can partake of all the benefit of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross when you believe in Him by receiving Him. When you believe in Jesus you are putting your complete trust and reliance in Him alone and nothing and no one else. God’s grace cannot be earned by any good thing we have or will ever do. God’s standard for salvation is absolute perfection and He is offering that to you as a gift of love in His Son The risen Lord, Jesus Christ.
If you have never received Jesus as your Lord and Savior you can do so today. Follow this biblical prescription to be saved (Born Again: John 3:3) Believe in your heart and say with your mouth these words from Romans 10:9-10
Lord Jesus I confess you as Lord, my Lord and Savior and I believe in my heart that God raised you from the death. You are my risen Lord and Savior and I receive you today in my life. Thank you for saving me and making me your child.
Welcome to the Family of God.
Now that you have received Jesus by believing in Him you are born again and a child of God. You are completely accepted by God in Jesus The beloved. Now tell somebody that you have received Jesus Christ. Write to us at ettaministries@gmail.com and let us know of your decision. As The Lord to lead you and find a local church where you will begin to hear the Word and grow in your new faith. Get a bible and begin to read it. It is God talking to you. He wants to fellowship with you.